
ZGrab2 integration is experimental and porting is currently not complete. You can help adding modules and improve stability.

The naming of this module’s subscription parameters differ from other ZGrab2 modules due to the need to differentiate between HTTP and HTTPS.

subscribeHTTPPorts: ["tcp/80", "tcp/8080", "tcp/8000"]

Ports to subscribe for HTTP scanning. If one of these is found open, the HTTP scanner module is triggered against that target.

subscribeHTTPSPorts: ["tcp/443", "tcp/8443"]

Ports to subscribe for HTTPS scanning. If one of these is found open, the HTTPS scanner module is triggered against that target.

timeout: 2500ms

Timeout before the scan is cancelled.

method: "GET"

HTTP method to use.

endpoint: "/"

HTTP endpoint to request.

userAgent: "nray"

User Agent to send with the HTTP requests.

retryHTTPS: true

In case a HTTP connection fails, HTTPS is tried if this option is set to true.

maxRedirects: 2

How many redirects to follow before giving up.