
This page contains some examples to get your nray experience started quickly.

All examples assume that the binary is called nray, of course you have to adapt this to the name of your binary.

Simple port scan from local machine

Unfortunately, due to a bug in the upstream project of the configuration parser, currently some options mustn’t be omitted. See this issue for more information. The following configuration has therefore all options listed, albeit most of them are disabled. The relevant settings are marked with a comment.

  • Edit the configuration file (e.g. config.yaml) to contain the following:
debug: false 
listen: [8601] # Port to listen
host: "" # host to listen (only localhost)
pools: 1 # Only use a single pool

  enabled: false
  CA: "/path/to/ca.pem"
  cert: "/path/to/servercert.pem"
  key: "/path/to/servercert-key.pem"
  forceClientAuth: false

considerClientPoolPreference: true
allowMultipleNodesPerHost: false
  nodeExpiryTime: 30
  nodeExpiryCheckInterval: 10

  bufferSize: 5
    enabled: true
    targets: [""] # target network to scan
    tcpports: ["top25"] # which TCP ports to scan
    udpports: [] # don't scan UDP
    blacklist: [] # no blacklist
    maxHostsPerBatch: 20
    maxTcpPortsPerBatch: 25
    maxUdpPortsPerBatch: 25
    enabled: false
    domainRegex: '^(www[.]).*([.]com)$'
    tcpports: [top25]
    udpports: [top25]
    blacklist: []
    maxHostsPerBatch: 150
    maxTcpPortsPerBatch: 25
    maxUdpPortsPerBatch: 25
    enabled: false
    ldapSearchString: "(objectCategory=computer)"
    baseDN: "dc=contoso,dc=com"
    ldapAttribute: "dNSHostName"
    ldapServer: ""
    ldapPort: 636
    insecure: false
    ldapUser: ""
    ldapPass: ""
    tcpports: [top25]
    udpports: [top25]
    blacklist: []
    maxHostsPerBatch: 5
    maxTcpPortsPerBatch: 25
    maxUdpPortsPerBatch: 25
  workers: 250 # Run with 250 workers
  ratelimit: "none" # No rate limit
    timeout: 2500ms # 2.5s TCP timeout
    fast: false
    defaultHexPayload: "\x6e\x72\x61\x79"
    timeout: 2500ms
    enabledModules: []
      subscribePorts: ["tcp/22"]
      timeout: 2500ms
      ClientID: "SSH-2.0-Go-nray" 
      CollectUserAuth: true
      subscribeHTTPPorts: ["tcp/80", "tcp/8080", "tcp/8000"]
      subscribeHTTPSPorts: ["tcp/443", "tcp/8443"]
      timeout: 2500ms
      method: "GET"
      endpoint: "/"
      userAgent: "nray" 
      retryHTTPS: true 
      maxRedirects: 2
    enabled: true # print events to terminal
      channelsize: 1000
    enabled: true # write events to file
    filename: "nray-output.json" # filename
    overwriteExisting: false 
      channelsize: 10000 
      synctimer: 10s
    enabled: false
    server: "elasticsearch.local"
    useTLS: true
    port: 443
      indexname: "nray"
      channelsize: 10000
      committimer: 3
  • Next, run the server: ./nray server -c /path/to/config.yaml.
  • Finally, run a node on the same system: ./nray node. If no server and port is specified, nodes always try to connect to localhost:8601 whereas other values can be injected at compile time or can be passed via -s <server> and -p <port> parameter.
  • If there are systems in the network having ports opened, you should now see events for each port found.
  • Results are also written to nray-output.json

jq library

jq is an excellent command line JSON processor. It allows to view and query JSON documents and you may give it a shot for accessing the event file.

For live viewing, jq -C '<expr>' <outputfile> | less -R gives you scrollable, colorized output. During a scan, you can also tail -f <outputfile> | jq '<expr>'.

Here are some example queries to get you started:

Show all events where port 22 was involved

jq '. | select(.result.port == 22)' <outputfile>

This includes TCP, UDP and ZGrab2 events.

Show all events where tcp port 80 was found open

jq '. | select(.result.portscan.port == 80 and .result.portscan.open == true and .result.portscan.scantype == "tcpconnect")' <outputfile>

Actually, the result.portscan.open can be omitted since closed ports do not generate events.

Show only IPs/names of systems where tcp port 80 was found open

jq '. | select(.result.portscan.port == 80 and .result.portscan.open == true and .result.portscan.scantype == "tcpconnect") | .result.target' <outputfile>